Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy turkey, mashed potaoes, green beans, apple pie day!!!!

I have been tossing and turning since about 4:30AM! ugh.
Guess thats what happens when turkey day is at your house:) It's ok though, I decided to get up at about 5:45...went in the kitchen and fired up the oven-might as well get this show goin!
Got the ole bird in the oven, made coffee, emptied the dishwasher, put my 3 loaves of bread out to "rise" and finished setting the table.
Since Im feeling a bit "ahead of the game" I thought...hmmm, maybe I should google some cool quiche' recipes?! So I did...and found one that I thought sounded soooo great! Im gonna post it for you all to enjoy, but I want to make it first and then ..IF it turns out as yum as I think it's gonna, I'll share it.
I hope you all have a beautiful Thanksgiving day with your families/friends...who ever your sharing it with!
Realize what your thankful for...I got a couple "e" cards frm friends and my sister in law...and they were really thoughtful. They said all the things they were thankful for...and I have read some on other friends blogs. Something inside told me to write down all things Im grateful for too:) Maybe writing it down, and seeing it visually will make us all see it's the little things that make the life we live so special.
Im grateful for:
a beautiful home to keep us sheltered
nice friendly neighbors that make us feel safe
the bus that picks my kids up for school
A GREAT school system
GODS grace that I need every single day
freedom to pray and go to church
healthy kids
healthy husband who loves unconditionally
good friends
my computer to stay in touch with relatives and friends
an abundance of food for my family

I could go on...but Im feeling pretty thankful:) I should do this everyday-!
love you all~

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